Monday, February 25, 2013

Cage the Elephant

In light of the Oscars happening last night, I thought I would do this week's blog post on the film industry (well, last week's post, it's a day late because the Oscars ran late).

Here are my Oscar picks:

Best actor: Nicolas Cage

Yeah, that's right: Nick.  And I didn't just pick him because we share a name.  You may be asking yourself, "what has Nick Cage been in recently that would make him eligable for an Oscar?  Well, I guess there was that Ghost Rider movie..."  Wrong.  Nick Cage has graced literally all the best films of 2012 with his presence.

There was some controversy over Ben Affleck not being nominated for best director, even though his film Argo took home the Oscar for best picture.  Nick Cage also took home a few Oscars of his own after his performance in the film, including best supporting actress and best lighting.

Django Unchained
Quentin Tarantino blessed audiences with this instant classic about one man's quest for revenge, and Nick Cage blessed audiences with his performance as Jamie Foxx's love interest.  This won him an award for best supporting actor, making him the first person to have ever won an Oscar for best supporting actor twice in the same awards show.

Yes, even The Life of Pi

Moral of the story is, I have no idea what I'm talking about.  All I know for sure is that I love Nick Cage and bagels and vitamin water.

Note: All photos were made by me in Photoshop.  Just in case any advertising agencies want to hire me or something.

Friday, February 8, 2013

One of the Noirest Films You'll Ever See

Let's just say you're sitting at home one day, letting your mind wander, when suddenly it occurs to you that you don't know what film noir is.  So you google it.  This is the first and only search result:

Pretty Noir, if I do say so myself.

Basically, we were put into groups and told to make a film based on an object picked completely at random.  My group chose a pair of binoculars.  As you can see, we did an excellent job of centering the story around the item.  We were also allowed to pick one genre from a list, and we elected to make a movie in the style of film noir.  We didn't really face any challenges, except maybe having to export two times because we forgot to end the music.

I learned a lot of things that will be applicable to CAP Hollywood, such as teamwork, leadership, communications, arts, critical analysis, and what have you.

Farewell for now.

Here's the video

Here's Jasper's blog